Personal Injury Lawyers Get New York City Policeman a $3 Million Settlement

Personal Injury Lawyers from Ronemus & Vilensky law firm got a NYC policeman $3M worth of settlement. Our client, a New York City police detective and father of two children, suffered injuries to his back while responding to a crane collapse as part of the emergency response unit. His role was to rescue workers by removing debris […]

Traumatic Brain Injury Facts

Facts are that more than five million Americans are currently living with a serious condition known as traumatic brain injury (TBI), which occurs when the brain suffers sudden physical damage. Commonly the result of car accidents, falls, and violence such as gunshot wounds, traumatic brain injury often has severe consequences, including lifelong disability and death. In […]

Erb’s Palsy Causes & Assistance

Doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals have an obligation to provide their patients an acceptable standard of medical care. Erbs palsy is caused during the birth process, a child’s shoulder becomes lodged behind the pubic bone of the mother and delivery is arrested. When this happens there are known measures that must be taken in […]